Maxime ROGER

Photo 124987
Woonachtig te Ethe (6760)
Geboren te Virton (6760) op woensdag 2 maart 1988
Overleden te Virton (6760) op zondag 21 juni 2009 op 21 jarige leeftijd

Espace « condoléances » 

Deze rouwbeklagruimte werd aangemaakt de zondag 21 juni 2009.

Alle berichten

49 berichten (13 privé)  

Cher Francis,
Je n'ai pas eu la possibilité de me rendre à l'enterrement de Maxime, mais je voulais te faire savoir à quel point j'ai été touché par l'annonce de son décès.
A toi, à ton épouse et à toute ta famille, je voudrais présenter mes plus sincères condoléances, de ma part et de la part de mes enfants qui l’ont rencontré pendant les stages d’été à SGBT.
Antoine et ses enfants.

Antoine DA SILVA- 27/06/2009


Les mots me manquent, mais soyez assuré de ma profonde compassion.

Daniel TOURNAI- 25/06/2009


Nous tenons à vous présenter, Nadine, Francis et Yvelyse, nos plus sincères et chrétiennes condoléances.
Puissent les heures et les jours à venir vous apporter la force et le courage pour surmonter cette incommensurable peine.

Pascal et Nadine Lamock-Gillet- 24/06/2009


Dear Mr and Mrs Roger, i would like to introduce myself before to continue; im Laura and im from Colombia, i've known Maxime in Brighton last year and i wanted to say to you how much im sorry for your loss, and also i wanted to offer you my condolences...I can only imagine how difficult this is being for you. I dont have words for what have happened this weekend... u cant imagine how hard this is for me and for all his friends he made in Brighton as i know is hard for you..the truth is that we never know whats next and for sure nobody imagine this end for such a special person as it was Maxime we are so in shocked but you know??? throgh this years after my father's death i've learn that the best thing you can do is just remember all the happiest and best moments u had with him, remember each paticular detail of his personality, his smile, his favorites things and food, and go on....this is not easy but im sure is what he would like you to do. From my part..... i have the most perfect and beautiful memories from him and u know what? we werent so close friends but we were friends, actually... he was the boyfriend of my very best friend Naomi...we lived great moments together..i remember his b-day number 20th i remember how nice he was...and how he loved to dance.... he was a real gentleman, he was just very special person....there are so many things i can say of him.... i just cant believe this event... but im writting to you cuz i want that u know that around the world we are praying for Max and for you.... we are thinking in you both and the rest of your family like Maxime's sister, and his friends also, i want that you know that i would like to be with all of u tomorrow but i live in other continent and is a bit hard for me but the thing is that our hearts are there with you supporting you and giving you so much love because is all you need in this moment to hold this moment of your lifes...i dont want to be so extensive....but i have so many things i want to tell you.... but the most important is that we are with you not there physicaly but our hearts are there... and i hope to know you one day if i go again to europe.... be strong need to be strong and together...and dont fall down.... remember that love is strongest than death and nobody can take it away if you keep it hard deeply in your hearts....god bless Maxime and god bless all of you.... my condolences to Maxime Roger family...

Laura Espitia

Espitia Laura- 24/06/2009


j'ai connu maxime à l'institue de la sainte famille, c'était quelqu'un de génial, extremement gentil , il aimait ses amis. je présent mes condoléance à ses parents et à sa soeur.

ghayth chegaar- 24/06/2009